
Minimal Invasive Care

Our aim is to avoid from surgery as long as possible. Non-surgery treatments for spinal problems include physical treatment, medical treatment and spinal injections. These options are generally effective in hernia, degenerated disc, spicture and dislocation. However, a few patients may necessarily need surgery as a treatment depending on the severity of the disease.

If surgery is needed, our neurosurgeries prefer advanced and minimal invazive procedures in the treatment of brain, spinal, back bone and peripherical nervous diseases. These procedures are as such: spinal decompressions, anterior cervical discectomies and fusions, microdiscectomies for waist and minimal invasive microsurgery with fusions. A significant number of patients show dramatical improvements after surgical operations with cuts lower than 2 cm.

We also treat brain diseases as conservatively as possible. Many brain diseases with benign brain tumors and vessel anomalies can and should be monitored through periodical scans without resorting to any surgery.

Non-Surgery Treatment Options

Minimal Invasive Surgeries

Frequently Asked Questions

Minimal invasiveness is a concept of modern neurosurgery and describes a basic goal: achieving the best surgical outcome in the most reliable and gentle way. The term covers a range treatment strategies. The main objective is to treat each disease and thus each patient individually.

The prerequisite for minimally invasive surgery is using the most modern techniques for the planning and implementation. With modern radiological diagnostics, even tiny details in the interior of the skull can be examined in detail. Even before the operation, the surgeon “looks” into the depths of the brain and is thus able to optimally plan the surgical procedure. This planning is critical in minimising the surgical stress and achieving the best possible surgical results.

Endoscopes are special optical systems used for viewing and illuminating the surgical site. In many cases, operations can be performed implementing a purely endoscopic technique.

These techniques may essentially be used to treat any neurosurgical disease. If you have any questions, you can reach us by phone at Inca Klinik.

Are you ready for treatment?

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INCA Clinic

Our assistants will reach you to clarify the details of the appointment. Your appointment will not be finalized until the date and time are clarified by calling you by phone.

You can read our Clarification Text on the Protection of Personal Data Law No. 6698 here.
You can read our Clarification Text on the Protection of Personal Data Law No. 6698 here.